Why hello, faithful readers. You must have missed me so much.
I wish I could tell you that I have been absent from the internet because I have been so busy taking care of so much real world business...but I would be lying. Well, I'd be lying this week.
We decided it would be a good idea to clean out our storage room. Let me tell you what. It was NOT a good idea. Basically, if you have a storage room, here's what I recommend you do. Put a match to it. There is nothing in there you need. You will only find a wonderland of crap you feel obligated to keep. The really bad news is that the only way to get rid of this crap (if you refuse my advice above) is to weed through it every six months or year or whatever. It BLOWS.
We made a deal with ourselves that we would work on it one hour a night every weeknight after Marlo goes to bed. We did really well the first week. Until Friday. Then we decided we were tired and made a deal that we would work Sunday night instead. Guess what happened Sunday night? Yep, I gave us the night off. Guess how many nights we've worked since last Thursday?
We do have an extra motivator to get it all finished, though. My mother in law arrives on the 27th. Yep, you read that right! My reward for working my ass off all month is my mother in law staying with us for five days! Hurray!! And, BONUS!! Husband is working the weekends before and after her stay! YES! And my parents are leaving town next week and will be gone the whole time so I have no babysitter! Super AWESOME!
If I had a dollar for every time I've wished I could build a house out of cinderblock and burn it out every six months I'd be rich enough to buy all the storage rooms I'd ever need.
Holy Crap... Iceman's mother is coming??? Please...please have a little get together so we can come... how about brunch? I'll bring the backyard organic eggs and some FREE special K cereal...
Please have a brunch party...
Or... if you'd like I could have you & leopard girl plus the extras over and I'll make you everyone brunch... that way you can have an "outing"...
Seriously... I'll make crepes! PLUS... it will give me something to blog about!
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